The history and fact >> Liuqiu Islands


Liuqiu Islands


The history and fact:

*** Liuqiu Islands

Liuqiu Islands or Lewchew (Chinese: 流求, 琉求, or 琉球; pinyin: Liúqiú; Japanese: Ryukyu-Shoto, or Nansei-Shoto, or Ryukyuan Okinawa) was the name given by the Chinese to islands in the East China Sea and nearby waters. Liuqiu Islands used to be a China tributary state with local sovereignty before the year 1871. However, China was weak at the end of its Qing Dynasty and can not protect Liuqiu Islands from the Japanese invasion. So the Japanese occupy all Liuqiu Islands in 1879. And China failed in First Sino-Japanese War in 1895.

In history, Liuqiu Islands territory to the east is Xijie Island (Chinese: 喜界岛; Japanese: Kikaijima Island).
Liuqiu Islands territory to the south is Bozhaojian Island (Chinese: 波照间岛; Japanese: Hateruma Island).
Liuqiu Islands territory to the west is Yunaguo Island (Chinese: 与那国岛; Japanese: Yonaguni Island).
Liuqiu Islands territory to the north is Yanmei Island (Chinese: 奄美大岛; Japanese: Amami Island).

Liuqiu Islands DO NOT belong to Japan although Liuqiu Islands are ruled by the Japanese now. The illegal and invalid occupancy will NEVER become legal, no matter how long the Japanese occupy Liuqiu Islands. The Japanese attemp for changing their illegal to be legal, will finally be furitless. Now the Japanese do everything and lie to the world that the Japanese "discover" it firstly. All the people, who knows the history and fact, will surely not agree with the Japanese illegal and invalid occupancy.

Now the Japanese try to play bigger and extend their illegal and invalid occupancy to China Diaoyu Islands (Chinese: 钓鱼岛; Japanese: Senkakus Islands), which is near China Taiwan.

Accidently, the Japanese insist they "discover" Diaoyu Islands (Chinese: 钓鱼岛; Japanese: Senkakus Islands) in 1895, in which year China failed in First Sino-Japanese War.

Even Liuqiu Islands are not belong to Japan. The Chinese will surely not allow the Japanese to rob far further to China Diaoyu Islands (Chinese: 钓鱼岛; Japanese: Senkakus Islands).


*** A detailed description of an island kingdom called "Liúqiú" may be found in the Book of Sui (Chinese: 隋书), which was completed in the year A.D.636. The Book of Sui (Chinese: 隋书) places the report on Liúqiú second to last within the chapter on "Eastern Barbarians" (Dongyi)(Chinese: 东夷), following the report on Mohe (Chinese: 靺鞨) and preceding the report on Wa (Japan) (Chinese: 倭国).



Liuqiu Islands, Lewchew, Ryukyu-Shoto, Nansei-Shoto, Ryukyuan Okinawa
Liuqiu Islands used to be a China tributary state with local sovereignty before the year 1871.